I'd be interested to see the migration rates of black vs. white Cubans. If they are similar, then fewer remittances are likely flowing due to the black/white economic disparity in the US. If they are different, then that would be evidence of such a disparity in Cuba that somehow effects who can leave. I guess what I'm saying is MOAR INFO PLEASE
Yeah I'll be grey forever but I pointed out to HamNo that the diaspora is rather light skinned, whereas the population of Cuba is much more mixed.
I thought that might be the case, just based on my anecdotal experience as a Florida Man, but still: why? What is it about Cuban society that creates this disparity? Any sociologists studying Cuba in the house?
It's actually pretty darn easy to understand: the lighter skinned folks were obviously the upper echelons of the class strata who left when Batista fell. Plus those who left would end up having connections and established roots in the US. Contrast that to say Haitians.
After all this time, though? Are refugees from the revolution still sending remittances? I figured it would be more recent immigrants. Post-Mariela.
There is still a large gap between the haves and have-nots in Cuba? But I thought Communism was supposed to fix problems like that!
I believe that everyone just has less (so in that sense they are equal) unless you are hooked up with the party then you have a marginal amount more than the rest.
Sounds great!
Well, it also should be known that a great deal of people having less is based on Economic sanctions from the US that aimed to strangle the Castro regime.
Exactly! Cuba would be a communist paradise if it weren't for the evil imperialist Americans and their evil imperialist embargo. It's all the embargo's fault!
Thanks for saving the Castros some propaganda costs.
1) Socialist dictator destroys economy and standard of living over almost six decades.
2) Socialist dictator can no longer keep up the charade and American politician eases relations and flow of capital.
3) People with connections to America/West generally get that capital, since people with capital tend to invest in people they know in one way or another.
4) Stupid child socialist blogger and NYT immediately blames "capitalism" for "inequality."
For someone that hates capitalism, Hamilton, you sure think it is magic. Apparently a tiny bit of it is supposed to raise the standard of living of all people equally almost overnight. Maybe you should read about capitalism in a book by an author that is fair, unbiased and actually understands what capitalism as a social system can and cannot do.
I just hope that Cuba is turned into a proper tourist destination, not some chintzy faux-glam bourgeoisie destination like Vegas. Think Aspen.
I'm sure that's every Cuban's dream, to host a stylish tourist paradise for really tasteful white people.