On Twitter this morning, an ex-Baltimore police sergeant named Michael A. Wood detailed a litany of abuses he witnessed or participated in while on the job. Even if your faith in cops to do the right thing has been completely demolished over the past several years—or if it was never there to begin with—you’ll almost certainly find something new that turns your stomach.

Wood’s tweetstorm—which I first saw on the Kinja blog The Salad Bowl—comes in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death by spinal injury in the custody of Baltimore police in April. Gray’s death forced the Baltimore police into the national spotlight, but the department has a long history of abuse, particularly against black and low-income Baltimoreans. Wood—who served in various roles in the police department between 2003 and 2014, according to his LinkedIn profile—provides the gruesome specifics of that abuse.

Presumably, he means CCTV cameras “turning off”—so they don’t catch the violence the cops inflict when they catch up with their suspects.

Shitting on people’s clothes!

That is, lying under oath in court and in probable cause affidavits that he saw a person drop controlled dangerous substances—drugs—while chasing them.

Asking people who weren’t present at the scene of an incident to lie and say that they were on a probable cause affidavit, which Wood and his colleagues could later use to obtain a search or arrest warrant.

A ploy to collect extra money for your colleagues, which Wood and another tweeter helpfully explain below.

After many people responded to Wood’s tweets in anger that he hadn’t come forward sooner—while he was still employed by the BPD, maybe—he offered this alarming bit of ostensible justification.

At the end of that horrifying string of anecdotes, Wood wrote that he may tweet more tomorrow.

Image via AP. Contact the author at andy@gawker.com.