
Andrew Cuomo Twists the Knife He Inserted Into Bill de Blasio's Agenda

Alex Pareene · 07/07/15 05:20PM

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has consistently and petulantly undermined New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio since the mayor took office, but the feud only recently went on the record. Following an Albany legislative session in which Cuomo blatantly denied de Blasio various legislative victories — and cynically attempted to attack the more liberal mayor from “the left” — Cuomo rubbed salt in the legislative wound by delivering a brutally critical appraisal of Mayor de Blasio’s legislative acumen and political savvy. This came in the guise of a Daily News interview with “a top Cuomo administration aide.” (At least, that is what everyone believes, and what the governor has not denied.)

Thanks For the Net Neutrality, Oligarchs

Alex Pareene · 02/28/15 10:55AM

"Net neutrality" will be the law of the land following the Federal Communications Commission's vote to reclassify broadband Internet services as public utilities. Please take some time this week to thank the outspoken citizens who made this possible. These heroes of the open Internet are regular folk, just like you and me, with names like Microsoft, eBay, Facebook, Google and Amazon. Congrats to a major industry on its lobbying victory!

Charmless Billionaire to President: "You Have to Connect"

Alex Pareene · 02/04/15 03:15PM

If David Axelrod—the former Obama adviser whose memoir is soon to be published—is to be believed, the president received some advice on charm from an unlikely source early in his first term. The Daily News, which obtained an advance copy of Axelrod's book, relates the story:

Wall Street Is Doing Devious Shit While America Sleeps

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/15 03:30PM

It is never a bad time to check in on how Wall Street is quietly working to undermine any attempt to slightly dampen the possibility that Wall Street could devastate the American economy, again.

Well-Known Radical Calls for Global Jihad

Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/15 10:45AM

Sadly, we knew this would happen. After the terror strikes in Paris, another well-known radical is agitating for violence. "Are we ready to fight?" he asks. "Are we ready to do what is necessary?" This opportunist is clear in what he seeks now: "war."